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                Shanghai International Personal Care Expo 2021
                August 5 - 7, 2021   Shanghai New International Expo Centre

                The 8th General Meeting of China Oral Care Products Industry Association

                The 8th general meeting of China oral cleaning and care products industry association will be held in guilin, which will last for three days from April 10-12, 2019. Details are as follows:

                       I. meeting time:  4/10/2019

                1. Registration of participant

                2. Office meeting of the chairman  4.11   eighth general meeting  4.12   meetings of the scientific and technical committee

                Ii. Venue of the meeting

                Guishan huaxing hotel

                Address: no. 42, chuanshan road, qixing district, guilin city, guangxi zhuang autonomous region

                Telephone: 18677336806 manager wu

                Iii. Participants

                1. Main responsible person and related personnel of member units;

                2. Member of science and technology committee and market working group of the association;

                3. Invited representatives.

                Iv. Contents of the meeting

                (I) the eighth general meeting

                1. Report on the work of the seventh council;

                2. Financial work report of the seventh council;

                3. Explanation on the amendment of articles of association;

                4. Discuss and adopt the work report of the seventh council, the financial work report and the newly revised articles of association;

                the relevant discussion documents will be sent to the contact email of each unit within one week before the meeting, please refer to the relevant responsible person in advance.)

                5. Elected directors, executive directors and directors of the eighth council of the association;

                6. 2014-2018 industry market development report;

                7. 2014-2018 industry science and technology development report;

                8, the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up industry advanced figures award;

                9. Speech by zhang chonghe, President of China light industry federation;

                10. Corporate experience exchange;

                11. Introduction of new technologies, new products and new technologies;

                12. Report on the economic and military situation in the neighborhood.

                (II)  Meetings of science and technology committees

                1. General election of the science and technology committee;

                2. 2018 work summary of national technical committee on oral care products standardization toothpaste and Chinese herbal toothpaste;

                3. Standards-related work:

                (1) three national standards for pre-examination;

                (2) joint examination of 5 industry standards;

                (3) to introduce the formulation of compulsory national standard of "general safety technical requirements for oral cleaning care products";

                (4) report the progress of 4 national standards and 5 industry standards projects that have been approved;

                (5) to discuss the project of "aluminum hydroxide for oral cleaning and care products toothpaste".

                4. Others.

                Relevant question

                1  Accommodation fee (including breakfast) :

                Superior twin room superior king-size room (30 rooms) deluxe king-size room suite

                330 yuan/day, 400 yuan/day, 800 yuan/day

                Due to the limited number of senior king-size rooms in the hotel, the conference affairs team will give priority to the arrangement according to the receipt according to the order of registration. The receipt received after the senior king-size room is full, if no one is designated to stay in the deluxe king-size room, it will be arranged as a double-bed room.

                2  Conference fee: participants shall pay 900 yuan per person.

                Participants please try to arrange remittance in advance, the representative of remittance before April 8, please timely inform the secretariat of the invoice information after remittance, and receive the invoice at the check-in desk on the registration day;

                For the representatives who pay the fees on site, please use cash as much as possible. The conference affairs team will issue the invoice and send it out after the meeting.

                If you need to pay by card, the hotel will collect, and the hotel issued the corresponding invoice.

                The remittance account information is as follows:

                Name: China oral care products industry association

                Bank: icbc Beijing fuwai street branch

                Account number: 0200 0492 0902 4921 210

                3. Please confirm the participants as soon as possible after receiving this notice, and reply the participants' receipt form (see attachment) to the email address of the secretariat of the association before March 20.

                Since there are few flights in guilin, please book your tickets as early as possible.

                Please inform the secretariat of the flight number in advance, so as to arrange in advance.

                4. The chairman office meeting will be held at 16:30 on April 10th. Please attend the meeting on time.

                5.  Reporting route:

                1. Guilin liangjiang airport: about 30km away from the hotel.

                Take airport bus to CAAC building (20 yuan) and transfer to the hotel within 5 minutes by taxi. Or take a taxi for about an hour, the cost is about 120 yuan.

                2. Guilin railway station/guilin bus station: about 3.5 kilometers away from the hotel.

                Take no.10 / no.11 bus, get off at qixing park station and walk 800 meters to lijiang river bridge. Or take a taxi for about 15 minutes, the cost is about 15 yuan.

                3. Guilin north railway station: about 10km away from the hotel.

                Take bus no. 18, get off at qixing park station and walk 800 meters to lijiang river bridge. Or take a taxi for about 30 minutes, the cost is about 35 yuan.

                4. Guilin west railway station: about 16km away from the hotel.

                Take bus no. 22 to xiqing lake, transfer bus no. 30 to longyin bridge, walk 620 meters to the hotel; Or take a taxi for about 40 minutes, the cost is about 60 yuan.

                6   contact

                1. Contact person for meeting registration:

                Wei junhong: 010-68396411 QQ2743151951

                Xiao mei: 010-68396664 QQ648579138

                Email address: cocia_info@126.com

                2. Financial contact:

                Li shishang: 010-68396722 QQ2647366511

                The organizing committee of PCE Shanghai personal care products exhibition will set up a service desk during this conference to provide consultation services for all participants.



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                About us

                Sponsored by China health care association, supported by China oral care care products industry association, Shanghai daily necessities industry association, shandong daily chemical industry association and shantou toothbrush industry association, the Shanghai international personal care products expo will be held in Shanghai everbright convention and exhibition center from May 20 to 22, 2019.

                This exhibition will attract more than 800 exhibitors and more than 25,000 professional buyers to attend, exhibits covering head care products, body care products, wash care products, health care products, personal care appliances, personal care franchise, OEM/ODMOEM/ODM, a personal care products feast is about to open!






