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                Shanghai International Personal Care Expo 2021
                August 5 - 7, 2021   Shanghai New International Expo Centre

                PERSONAL CARE EXPO

                 Shanghai International Personal Care Expo (PCE Personal Care Expo), as the development vane of personal care products industry, is one of the comprehensive personal care products industry events in China.The total exhibition area of the last exhibition reached 16,000 square meters, attracting 18,650 visitors from 506 exhibitors and 48 countries and regions.

                Shanghai International Personal Care Expo 2020 (PCE Personal Care Expo), sponsored by China Health Care Association, will be held in Shanghai New International Expo Center(SNIEC) from August 7 to 9, 2020.At the same time, we held several professional forum activities to show the latest technology and development trend of personal care industry and build an efficient, high-quality and accurate all-round one-stop professional business platform for personal care industry brands and global quality buyers.PCE2020 invites you to participate in personal care industry upgrading and share global health resources.







